Call for entries European photography competition Entrevues and Time Zero Polaroid Symposium

It’s only Tuesday, but it’s been a busy week, so a Continental flavour bringing together a European competition and a Welsh symposium on the instant photo phenomenon, the Polaroid.

ENTREVUES is a contest created by two cultural associations FETART and GENS D’IMAGES. Its aim is “to promote young European photographers”; that is, with an “age limit of 35 years”, and to present “two young photographers’ work on the the website of Fetart, as well on the one of Gens D’Images, at the same time: one from France and the other from one of the different European countries.”

“Every year, six ENTREVUES will be shown every other month from January 2010 on the internet”. The two artists will also be “exhibited on partner website, and will be offered an exhibition during the professional week of Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, the year following their election”.

Application form, a website link and “the series you wish to present or a PDF with about ten images”.  A text of ten lines presenting the series.

A detailed résumé (biography and career of the photographer). The competition organisers reserve the right to ask you to send a paper portfolio

Send to:

The two winners of the year will be elected in January following submissions.

“The prints for the exhibition of the two winners in Arles are in charge of the associations. Technical costs (developing or scan) transport and living costs are at the charge of the photographer. The works will remain the full property of the artist. The artist guarantees that the Work submitted are original creations and could be justified as so under the laws governing Intellectual Property and that the Work presents by no means a copy or counterfeit of copyrighted work.”

There’s a free symposium Time Zero taking place on Saturday, 6 March at Morgan Arcade in Cardiff, Wales. It coincides with the installation of Do I have to paint you a picture? “an artist-led, temporary exhibition of Polaroid photography” which runs until 3 April. The Time Zero Symposium explores Polaroid photography giving  the “public the chance to engage in photographic theory, especially in relation to technology and culture”.

Guest speakers include Dr Peter Buse – Cultural Theorist and Senior Lecturer at Salford University. He is currently working on a large project about the cultural history of Polaroid; Mikael Kennedy – a New York based Photographic Artist who spent ten years documenting his life through Polaroid film; Colin Harding – Curator of Photography at The National Media Museum, Bradford; Mic Wright – Freelance writer and journalist will be talking about the Impossible Project’s attempts to revive Polaroid-style instant photography, and Marc Arkless – Photographer and Technical Manager at Ffotogallery will be speaking about his extensive Polaroid work.

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