Tag Archives: Hellen van Meene

International Women’s Day Centenary celebration continues – Female Focus on Photography, plus 20 makes 80

Feminism, it seems, is now regarded by some as a superfluous stance. So when some people start talking to me about post feminism, re-branding feminism and ask me “Aren’t you over it yet?” followed by a ‘why-don’t-you-just-move on’ look,  I despair. No, not until women globally have the necessary rights and equal opportunities in all realms including political, economic, and social. Thinking of power and influence –  just take a look at the statistics on how many women are members of the senior judiciary in the UK –  only 9% in the UK.
(Women’s Resource and Development Agency, 2006).

Back to my backlog, and I’m nearly there… It’s been a hell of a week of catching trains to Wales to deliver two blogging courses in Cardiff and then back to London (where to my absolute surprise I bumped into an old music friend, Dr Clive from Dr & the Medics, remember their version of Spirit in the Sky?); organising a business skills freelance creative course in London on Saturday; writing a book review as well as features about photographers and the photography industry. Last night I chaired an event on publishing and self-publishing for Photo Imaging Network at Four Corners which brought up some points I will consider in subsequent posts.

So my next 20 women, taking the total to 80, are below.  Yes, it is a little later than I expected. The last batch will be tomorrow before the blog returns to normal service. But, as the adage goes, better late than never…

Hotshoe magazine 2005-6
Jessica Backhaus
Veronica Bromova
Julia Fullerton-Batten
Katy Grannan
Jennifer Long
Sarah Moon
Katharina Mayer
Neeta Madahar
Nina Mangalanayagam
Silvie Milkova
Sarah Pickering
Dita Pepe
Inma Sainz de Baranda
Dona Schwartz
Muzi Quawson
Mayete Vieta
Anja Niemi
Hellen van Meene
Einar Hansen
Lise Sarfati

International Women’s Day Centenary – Female Focus on Photography plus 20

It’s another day so here is my next list of 20 women photographers. It’s been so interesting looking these names up to see if they are still producing work. Most are, however, there are a couple of links that suggest a stepping away from photography, but that’s the minority.
It’s been wonderful to rediscover photographer’s work and stumble across new work. In constantly looking for the “next new thing and the rising bright star”, we (photo writers/editors/publishers/curators – everyone seems to be one nowadays) can be in danger of having a very narrow field of vision and overlooking the work of photographers and artists who keep producing work, quietly, with little fuss and little attention.
Looking back is not a nostalgia trip. But it is a reminder of how fickle the media can be when it comes to focusing on the latest, the brightest, the youngest. I can remember when you couldn’t pick up a photo mag without seeing one of Loretta Lux’s images staring out at you.
To all those who have commented and suggested some names, thank you. I can learn and find out out about work if you direct me to it, so please, point me in some different directions. Till the next 20 tomorrrow…

Hotshoe magazine 2005-6
Kristen Ashburn
Maxine Beuret
Emma Critchley
Desiree Dolron
Anita Khemka
Harriet Logan
Loretta Lux
Hellen van Meene
Jenny Matthews
Sue Meures
Susie Needham
Emer O’Brien
Sylvia Plachy
Riita Paivalainen
Cindy Sherman
Collier Schorr
Esther Teichmann
Ellen von Unwerth
Ami Vitale
Annet van der Voort